CF recognized itself for the first time in the gym preparing for war.
Working out with a guy named Jamel, CF experienced the true power of the training.
"More, faster, stronger"
But on that day it seemed like there was no more.
It was the third training session that day and CF thought that there was no more energy to give.
"Never Quit. Pain is weakness leaving the body" Jamel encouraged.
Under a weight bar,
CF pushed past a wall,
all of a sudden.....
there was more.
To CF it felt like something opened.
A new potential that wasn't there before.
Basic training was similar but this was new.
Day after day
hour after hour
this new edge gave CF a new level of confidence.
CF was ready for war.
It all fit,
the no quit,
rely on your brother,
you are stronger than you imagine,
CF fit right into the military,
right down to the statements in the barracks.
CF thrived in war.
The suffering tempered by a faith in the
body and mind's
capacity for more.
Coming home from honorable service CF continued to grow.
Training others,
CF broke down the basics of complex
The focus required
load and competition
for CF's students
a level of mindfulness
followed by a feeling of satisfaction
a job well done,
a goal achieved,
a limit transcended,
A creed fulfilled.
As CF grew
so did the
pureness of the practice.
The sharpness of CFs practice,
mandated mindfulness
Because the cost without it
Was injury.
Bottom Line: focus is a priority
Growth spawned grown
and soon
CF saw itself everywhere.
As always,
Time changed.
Life evolved.
CF became a father.
In the beginning
the patience developed by the practice itself
endowed CF with the stamina to handle the sleepless nights, and draining days.
The practice maintained CF.
At around 5months the baby started to change.
were the simple diaper changes.
This new baby was squirmy.
Now, with a strong spine, and the ability to turn over,
the energy it took to change a diaper increased
CF, understanding what this new struggle meant, reveled in the challenge.
Noticing, posture, breathing, grounding.
Even changing a baby can be training,
CF thought.
Unfortunately for CF,
the strength and squirminess of the baby grew.
Now the baby began rolling over the moment it was placed on its back for a change.
Having the practice,
CF diligently learned from the baby,
imagining its effort to roll over
the same,
as the resistance from a barbell.
Through practice
CF developed a technique
where by
the baby was placed on the floor
and pinned down with a leg.
While difficult and frustrating,
this technique got the job done.
Over the holiday CF went with the family to the mountains. There,in a wonderful house, CF watched with a smile
as a younger sibling
failed to change
the squirmy baby.
Not trying to be flashy
but wanting to show off the technique,
CF applied leg lock
and got the job done.
The next day CF went out for training.
The weather was cold and snowy.
The extremes of the climate made CF feel right at home.
Stretching after the workout on the porch
CF noticed Grandma begin to change the baby.
CF watched knowingly, as Grandma reached for the wipes.
There she goes CF thought.
Only instead if stoping baby from turning over,
Grandma let it happen and changed baby back side up.
The whole process took less than a minute and grandma barely lifted a finger.
Grandma got the job done with ease.
That night CF used Grandma's method.
Same easy result.
Above is written in CFs favorite workout room.
But, ever since that one dirty diaper CF sees the writing on the wall and smiles.
"I wonder" CF pondered
"If how you do anything,
is how you do everything,
then what else have I been missing?"
This post was guided by the 95th stanza of the Art of Peace, a book written by Morihei Ueshiba
Armor Down is backing Legislation "H.R. 3516" AKA "The Veterans and Armed Forces’ Health Promotion Act of 2013".
This bill will
• Expand the scope of holistic care education and research for signature wounds such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
• Establish complementary and alternative medicine pilot programs for mental health and pain management treatment for veterans.
• Create a grant pilot program to upgrade Veteran Service Organization facilities, expanding the reach of wellness services directly into economically strained communities.
What we need right now people to show their support for this legislation by sign this petition.
To learn more about Taming and Training the mind in the gym, follow this link for two of the four week course.
Presently I'm promoting a new comedy on Fox, called Enlisted. It looks funny.
Mindful Memorial Day is coming in May.
Only instead if stoping baby from turning over, Grandma let it happen and changed baby back side up. Establish complementary and alternative medicine pilot programs for mental health and pain management treatment for veterans. Create a grant pilot program to upgrade Veteran Service Organization facilities, expanding the reach of wellness services directly into economically strained communities.
Diaper Bags
I've got a job for you when you are ready to make this a reality.